Corpus Hedendaags Nederlands (Corpus of Contemporary Dutch)
CHN allows users to define one or more corpora and upload data for the corpora, after which the corpora will be made automatically searchable in a private workspace. Users can upload text data annotated with lemma + part of speech tags in TEI or FoLiA format, either as a single XML file or as an archive (zip or tar.gz) containing several XML files. Corpus size is limited to begin with (25 MB limit per uploaded file; 500,000 token limit for an entire corpus), but these limits may be increased at a later point in time. The search application is powered by the INT BlackLab corpus search engine. The search interface is the same as the one used in for example the Corpus of Contemporary Dutch / Corpus Hedendaags Nederlands.
In verband met het auteursrecht is dit product alleen toegankelijk met een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. Bent u in dienst van een universiteit of wetenschappelijk instituut? Dan kunt u inloggen met de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord van uw eigen organisatie.
Staat uw organisatie niet in de lijst of heeft u geen account bij een academische instelling? Dan kunt u bij CLARIN.EU een account aanvragen.
To use this application you need an account. Employees of universities or research institutes can log in with the user ID and password of their own organization. Click on the login button, select your organization from the list, and log into the website by using your academic account.
If you do not have an account at an academic institute, please apply for an account at CLARIN.EU.